A Climate Action Plan for the University of Alberta

It’s long overdue.

Endorsement form at the bottom

More than any other institution in civil society, it is incumbent upon universities to demonstrate leadership in response to the knowledge produced by scholars in all disciplines concerning global warming. If universities fail to demonstrate respect for this knowledge, why should other civil society actors, or governments? If universities subordinate their mandate to seek out and reveal “whatsoever things be true” to fulfill the expectations of private funders or those of governments, then they have failed to serve the public good; they have relinquished a leadership role that is foundational to democracy.

The University of Alberta’s own strategic plan, entitled “For the Public Good,” asserted that “we strive to model sustainability as an integral part of university life, recognizing that the health and well-being of our people are tied to the health and well-being of our environment, economy, and social systems.” Since its founding, the university’s mandate has been to “uplift the whole people.” This is, indeed, the proper mission of a public university—to devote its resources to serving the public good. This takes the form not only of educating citizens, but of working with citizens to solve urgent societal problems.

A climate action plan for the University of Alberta must be more than an investment in producing data for university sustainability rankings.

It must be more than a set of targets to reduce energy consumption or materials waste or an aspiration to achieving a “net zero carbon footprint by 2050.”

And it must be more than a token recognition of “the challenge of climate change” that does little to disrupt the status quo of research and teaching.

The CAUA’s Climate Action Plan sets out the principles that we believe must guide the university’s responses to the climate crisis.

It identifies the actions that will be consistent with these principles, and the changes to our governance institutions that will be necessary to fully involve, engage, and mobilize not only students, faculty, and staff but also our communities in a plan of action.

Read the plan here:


We are asking for your help.

We need your help getting our plan to the ears of university leadership. If the principles outlined in our plan align with your (or your organization's) ethos, please fill out this form to give us your endorsement. If you choose to sign, your (or your organization’s) name will appear on the endorsement page of our final document.