Jake Lowe, Executive Director and Co-Founder of Campus Climate Network


Our universities have been taken over by the executives of the most destructive industries on Earth. They have used the credibility of our schools to validate mass inequality, violence, and destruction. Meanwhile, they shut out the people that make universities run and the ideas we desperately need our universities to champion. Institutions of higher education possess immense potential to lead society toward a more just energy future. It is in the best interest of the University of Alberta's reputation, the futures of its students, and the future of our planet to rise to the moment and enact CAUA's Climate Action Plan immediately.

Endorsed July 25, 2024

Detailed bio:

As a student at George Washington University, I authored a seminal report on my university's ties to the fossil fuel industry and helped launch one of the world's first Fossil Free Research campaigns. My work with CCN has given me the opportunity to engage with countless members of the student climate movement around the world.