Ken Caine, Assoc. Professor of Sociology, University of Alberta


As an environmental sociologist I teach primarily first and second year students who have urgent existential concerns about the climate crisis and their future. To address their concerns we need strong leadership and a climate action plan that addresses all facets of the climate crisis. The CAUA's Climate Action Plan is exactly what we need in order to move forward and face head on this emergency. The University of Alberta and the Province of Alberta must immediately put into action ALL of these clear and urgent areas of action.

endorsed 16 July 2024

Detailed bio:

Ken Caine holds a PhD in Rural Sociology and is an Associate Professor in the Department of Sociology at the University of Alberta. Originally from the Northwest Territories (NWT), he was trained as a forester and worked for the Government of the NWT and later as an Extension Specialist in Northern British Columbia working with Indigenous groups. As an environmental sociologist he explores social practices, power dynamics, and institutional change in the context of environmental stewardship and governance, and natural resource management in the western Arctic of the Canadian North and in other circumpolar regions. His research includes Indigenous youth hybrid environmental knowledge in the NWT. He is a past Board Member of the Association of Canadian Universities for Northern Studies.